Friday, July 1, 2011


South Korea, the world’s first Boeing 747 converted to a restaurant can be found at Mokpo City. The registration is N747-10. It represents the aircraft is an American aircraft which represented by latter ‘N’. If it is Malaysian registered aircraft it will be denoted by ‘9M’. The engine has been converted to a sign board which shows the day’s menu so you can decide on what to eat while climbing up to the passenger section which is the restaurant. Considering the 747s sheer size the fuselage(body) can easily accommodate more than 150 tables. So you can imagine it how big it was. However, in 2009, it was closed down.

To Al-Azrul, Shafrieza, Hazirol, Aizuddin n Fatin..did you all remember our last presentation??hahaha..Its nice huh??but we used to convert it into hotel..